We think about tomorrow


Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement verbindet den unternehmerischen Erfolg mit sozialen und ökologischen Aspekten. Diese Haltung spiegelt sich in den Nachhaltigkeits-Leitsätzen von Lactosan wider:

Business Success & Jobs

We have been a successful biotech company for decades. The continuous growth of the company, with numerous expansions, has been accompanied by a steady increase in the number of jobs. Motivated and well-trained employees are an important part of the company's success. Lactosan is proud of its very low staff turnover. By empowering and encouraging all employees to participate in decision-making processes, we promote the development of skills and create a motivating working environment.

Human & labour rights

Lactosan respects and protects human and labour rights, ensures and promotes equal opportunities and prevents any form of discrimination and exploitation in all business processes.

Sustainable innovation

We promote innovation in products and services that enhance sustainability and highlight the innovation potential of the economy. To achieve this goal, we have consistently invested in internal research and development for many years, and also maintain long-term collaborations with universities and technical colleges in Austria.

Resource and energy efficiency

Optimising processes is an ongoing process at Lactosan. Raw materials, energy and water are used in the best possible way. We invest in innovative technologies and ideas. Internal processes and transport routes are analysed and continuously improved.
We have succeeded in developing a system that enables us to use the energy required for all production processes efficiently and sustainably. It is very important to use the available energy resources efficiently in order to enable long-term and sustainable economic development. Lactosan is aware of this responsibility.

Product responsibility

Lactosan takes responsibility for the services and products provided by reviewing the value chain and product cycle for sustainability and transparency.

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Gerald Blüml

General Manager