Ideal system for every bacterial strain

Fluidised bed drying

In der Microbial Additives Anlage ist es möglich, alternativ zur Gefriertrocknung, das Bakterienkonzentrat auch in der Wirbelschichtanlage trocknen zu lassen. Das so erzeugte Endprodukt ist ein globuliartiges Probiotikum. welches mit einer konservierenden Schutzschicht, dem sogenannten Coating, ummantelt ist. Vergleichbare Trocknungsverfahren werden in der pharmazeutischen Industrie zur Herstellung von Tabletten angewendet.

Die Wirbelschichttrocknung im Detail

Microbial Additives

Im Geschäftsfeld Microbial Additives verfügen wir über folgende Kapazitäten.

  • 300 kg/batch Produktion

  • 2 kg/batch Pilot-Plant

Fluidised bed drying in our business field

Microbial Additives

In the first step of the fluidized bed process, so-called pellets are put into the process vessel. By applying a constant process air flow, a strong mixing (fluidized bed) of the pellets in the process vessel is generated. Subsequently, the liquid bacteria concentrate is fed into the container via spray lances, dispersed into very fine droplets and continuously applied to the pellets. At the same time, drying takes place under mild conditions (34-38°C). In a further step, the protective layer is applied on the pellets in the same way. Finally, in the clean room the finished end product is filled into bags (max. 25 kg) or into big bags (500 kg).

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Thomas Lautischer

Product Manager

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Further Technologies


After drying, further processing takes place in the respective powder line. The product flakes dried by lyophilisation are crushed in mills.

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After the drying and milling process, the powder is processed on the relevant powder line and the final product is mixed according to specification.

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After processing in the respective powder line, the dried powder is filled according to customer's requirements.

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Appropriate storage is essential to ensure the stability of the finished products.

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Lactosan has three complete fermentation lines which are controlled by a process control system and can be fully sterilised.

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Fermentation is followed by a concentration step using a separator.

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