The biomass is separated from the supernatant using a sterilisable centrifuge with a capacity of 10,000 l/h. The flow rate can be adjusted between 100 - 6,000 l/h to suit the requirements of the product.
Ideal system for every bacterial strain
Fermentation is followed by a concentration step using a separator. Both the pipework and the separators are CIP and SIP capable. A concentration factor of 25-30 can be achieved. The wastewater from the process is chemically and thermally inactivated.
Media tanks
4 x 10,000 l/h production
100 l/h pilot plant
We have the following capacities in the Biotech business field.
10,000 l/h production
100 l/h pilot plant
We have the following capacities in the Pharma business field.
1,400 l/h production
The biomass is separated from the supernatant using a sterilisable centrifuge with a capacity of 10,000 l/h. The flow rate can be adjusted between 100 - 6,000 l/h to suit the requirements of the product.
Four nozzle separators are available for separation in the Microbial Additives plant. By using different nozzle diameters, an optimum concentration result can be achieved for specific strains and the process yield can be kept high. A closed, sterilisable piping system transports the heavy phase to the concentrate tank where special additives are added to protect the cells during the freeze-drying process and preserve viability.
A qualified nozzle separator is available in the pharmaceutical plant for concentration. By using different nozzle diameters, optimum concentration and therefore high yield can be achieved in the process, depending on the strain. Both the pipework and the separator are CIP and SIP capable.
Product Manager
+43 (0)38 62/326 02-24E-Mail: